2017年3月7日 星期二


3:16 耶和華說:「你們在國中生養眾多;當那些日子,人必不再提說耶和華的約櫃,不追想,不記念,不覺缺少,也不再製造。
3:17 那時,人必稱耶路撒冷為耶和華的寶座;萬國必到耶路撒冷,在耶和華立名的地方聚集。他們必不再隨從自己頑梗的惡心行事。
3:18 當那些日子,猶大家要和以色列家同行,從北方之地一同來到我賜給你們列祖為業之地。」

16 And when you have multiplied and been fruitful in the land, in those days, declares the Lord, they shall no more say, "The ark of the covenant of the Lord." It shall not come to mind or be remembered or missed; it shall not be made again. 17 At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the Lord, and all nations shall gather to it, to the presence of the Lord in Jerusalem, and they shall no more stubbornly follow their own evil heart. 18 In those days the house of Judah shall join the house of Israel, and together they shall come from the land of the north to the land that I gave your fathers for a heritage.




